HRMMST Training Matrix

HRMMST Level BIndividual team member training is broken into three categories: pre-deployment, core-component and additional training. Training is also specific to the position held by an individual team member.  As the name implies, pre-deployment training must be completed before the individual team member can be deployed with the team.  These training requirements are reviewed annually and are set forth in the HRMMST Training Matrix.  The training matrix may be downloaded as an attachment using the link below.

The training matrix clearly defines the training required by each position and shoud be used as a resourse for current team members looking to promote into other positions on the team. 

Team Members are encouraged to contact the HRMMRS Program Office at (757) 963-0632 if you have questions regarding your individual training requirements.

Last modified on Friday, 30 December 2016 20:25
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Our office is co-located with the Tidewater Emergency Medical Services Council (TEMS) at 1104 Madison Plaza, Chesapeake, Virginia 23320.


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The HRMMRS began as a DHS Grant Program in 1999. The HRMMRS continues to support & enhance Hampton Roads public safety, hospital, public health, & emergency management response capabilities to manage mass casualty incidents.


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Sustain regional emergency medical response capabilities with MMRS & SHSP grants for the next 10 years.

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